The Rotary Dragon Boat Charity Challenge is the premier charity event of the Prague events calendar. It’s an event that combines Team building, Corporate Social Responsibility, live entertainment and family fun in one great program. The sight of teams of highly motivated paddlers going all out for the finish line makes an exciting spectacle that draws big crowds.
We expect the many teams that enter to have fun and compete to win the much coveted Charity Challenge trophy and the honor of being the current year champions. Spectators line the banks of the Vltava to admire the exciting spectacle of the dragon boats themselves as well as the creative costumes of the paddlers.
This event is about raising money for local charities that do invaluable work in supporting and helping those in need. Our charity partners with whom we share the proceeds are:
- ŽIVOT 90
- APLA Jižní Čechy
- Centrum Bazalka
- Spolek Múzy dětem