What is Rotary?
Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated human rights purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a secular organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are more than 46,000 clubs worldwide with 1.4 million individuals, called Rotarians, that have joined these clubs.
Rotary Club Prague International (RCPI) is an English-speaking Rotary club which is part of the Czech and Slovak Rotary district. The club's objective is to bring like-minded people together to provide humanitarian services in the spirit of collaboration and international friendship. RCPI in particular unites individuals from many nations, expatriates who reside in Prague as well as Czech members who have international experience in their lives. The club has over 50 members (Aug 2022).
Whilst raising funds is critically important to help others we also use our skills, energy and enthusiasm to help others who are less fortunate. Activities can range from small tasks such as helping a charity repaint its premises to longer term commitments such as teaching English to children in orphanages. Our club members make up a wealth of talent ranging from design, finance, accountancy, language skills, coaching, legal skills, social work and many more and we are proud to be able to use these skills in the name of Rotary to help others.