Our Rotary Club Prague International started renting a first house with the first donations in March '22, where 12 people from three different families are living until today. In the meantime, we have rented two houses and two flats and are currently looking after six families with 29 people, out of which twelve are children. Before our guests could move in, we had to completely furnish the places and make sure that our guests have a safe, clean and orderly place to stay at during these difficult times.
In addition to providing accommodation free of charge, financed by donations and state support, we also make sure that we help the children with clothing, toys and computers so that they can take part in online lessons from their home country. The younger adults work and contribute to the livelihood of their families. The older ones take care of the children and the household. 
It is not all about basic means of living- In the summer, we organized a barbecue and a picnic together with our members, and at the end of October, we invited our guests to participate in the Sir Nicholas Winton Alley in memory of Nicky and his 669 children, an event in Račiněves where we planted trees together.
Our guests are happy and grateful for the help they receive, but all of them want to return to their homes as soon as possible. However, an end of the war is not foreseeable at the moment and we continue to help as long as needed.
Any question please contact us at ukraine@rcpi.club.
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