Cars, technology, passion, innovation and a clear strategy for the future was the message from Mr Bernhard Maier, CEO of Skoda when fourty Rotarians from RCPI and RC Bohemia visited the Skoda facilities in Mlada Boleslav. Following a very kind invitation from Florian Weymar we not only toured the museum, listened to the CEO, toured the factory but also enjoyed a superb dinner in the restaurant.
It was interesting to see the dedication and focus Skoda apply to everything they do from training the staff to innovation and of course manufacturing. Mr Maier explained that because of the product and the quality, the Skoda client is one of the most brand loyal in the industry. One can see why when visiting the factory which is meticulously organised to deliver over 1000 high quality vehicles per day. Both clubs thanked Mr Maier and Florian for their tremendous hospitality and presented Mr Maier with a gift as a token of our appreciation.
Bernhard Maier, Florian Weymar