Modrý Klíč o.p.s. is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Prague, Czech Republic, providing social and specialized therapy services to children and adults with combined mental and physical disabilities since 1992.
In 2023, Modrý Klíč delivered comprehensive care services to 115 clients, 88 of whom are daily attendees. Every day, Modrý Klíč ensures the transportation of 66 clients to and from their homes. For these clients, this transportation is the only way they can receive daily care and treatment from Modrý Klíč while continuing to live at home with their families.
In 2009, with the generous support of Rotary Club International Prague, Rotary Club Coral Gables, Rotary Club Delaware County, Rotary Club Prague Praha Staré Město, Rotary Foundation, as well as corporate and private sponsors, we were able to purchase a new minibus equipped with an electrical rear platform for wheelchairs.
RCPI is now seeking donors and sponsors to help us purchase a new MINIBUS!
Any questions? Click here! to contact Nelly Jenicek.
RCPI CHARITY GALA EVENING in favor of Modry Klic : Click here to register!