In 1990 Václav Havel visited Israel and in his memory a small garden can be found in Jerusalem with a commemorative plaque recalling the visit. In Prague, the Israeli community is very active organising film festivals and celebrations including the most recent attendance at the DSA Christmas Market.
Ambassador Meron has a long and distinguished diplomatic career which started some 30 years ago with a posting to Cyprus and has led via many countries and postings to his most recent move to Prague earlier this year. Ambassador Meron is well informed about Rotary, his father was the President of Rotary Club Jerusalem and he was taken to meetings by his father on numerous occasions. In the spirit of Rotary, the club welcomed members of all faiths.
Following the presentation, RCPI members asked numerous questions ranging from the political situation to the formation of startup companies. RCPI President, Helen Noll, and Members thanked the Ambassador for his very interesting and enlightening presentation and wished him and his wife success in the Czech Republic.