Hundreds of paddlers took part in the 2019 Rotary Club Prague International Dragon Boat Charity Challenge. Teams from companies, clubs, organisations and friends joined in the challenge to paddle the course as fast as possible AND in the process to raise hundreds of thousands of crowns for charities. Three charity partners who will share the proceeds: ŽIVOT 90, an organisation providing a wide range of services for senior citizens, Nadace Naše Dítě who offer much needed help and support for many children in very difficult circumstances and Výbor dobré vůle (VDV) whose main purpose is to help disabled, abandoned and discriminated against people to integrate into society. "A big THANK You to the RCPI organising committee together with the Czech Dragon Boat Organisation who made the day possible through their energy and enthusiasm to create an event which was enjoyed by hundreds and will benefit hundreds more" said Josef Simpartl, President of RCPI. "In terms of who won? - of course the Charities won by receiving hundreds of thousands of crowns of donations, as for the race... well, Rotary Club Stare Mesto won once again so the challenge is set for next year. Well done and thank you to everyone who participated."